What Are the Basics of Supported Employment Services?

Supported employment services provide a valuable series of tools for your family member as she continues to try to be as independent as she can. These types of services may make all the difference for her in terms of helping her to get a job that she loves.

Supported Employment Defined

Supported employment is a way for people with developmental disabilities to work in a job independently, but to also have support as needed for a variety of issues and concerns. The types of support needed will be different for each individual and that’s an important feature of this type of habilitation help.

Preparing for Finding a Job

There’s work to do before starting the job search, and habilitation specialists can help your family member with that work. There are skills that are difficult for everyone to master, like putting together a resume, but there are other tasks, too. Filling out a job application is an essential part of the process and it’s important for someone with a developmental disability to have practice doing that beforehand.

Obtaining a Job

Once an active job search is in play, your family member has other tasks to tackle. Ensuring that the job is one that she’s able to do or learn to do as she goes is one of those tasks. But there are others, like interviewing and understanding what an interview is all about. Practicing interviews before being put on the spot in one can make all the difference.

Working and Retaining the Job

Getting hired at a job is the big goal, of course, but your family member wants to stay employed, too. Tackling challenges like understanding her schedule, getting ready for work, and being on time to work is all crucial. While she’s at work, she may need prompts and guidance as the work shift progresses.

Completing Goals Along the Way

There may be other goals along your family member’s path. She may have goals related to how many hours per week she’s able to work or being able to eventually work a job without being actively supported during every shift. These are valid goals and they’re likely very achievable with time and practice. Other goals are also possible, depending on your family member’s needs.

Residential habilitation services can help your family member to put goals together for employment and to work toward achieving those goals in the best way for her.

If you are considering autism resources in Greenwood, IN, please call the caring staff at RSI Cares. Serving Greater Indianapolis Area. Call for Immediate Info & Assistance: 317-471-0750.

Etelka Froymovich