How Does Habilitation Help Teach Personal Care Tasks?

Habilitation can help your developmentally disabled family member to be able to handle some of the tasks that she finds difficult to accomplish on her own now. Some of the most challenging tasks for many developmentally disabled people are personal care tasks. It can be incredibly empowering for your family member to be able to take those steps on her own.

Repetition Helps a Great Deal

Much of habilitation involves repeating tasks to build memory of the steps involved. At first, a habilitation specialist may repeat each step as they help your family member through each step. Gradually, your family member may handle more of the actual task while still getting assistance along the way. Much of this stage involves modeling the behaviors and actions involved in each step of the task your family member is learning.

Prompts Are Another Stage in the Learning Experience

Visual and auditory prompts are another set of steps in learning new personal care tasks. While the repetition helps, it’s not enough on its own for your family member to gain the mastery she wants. Hearing prompts that remind her of the next step or being able to see someone else miming the activity helps your family member to see and hear what comes next.

Stacking Habits Helps to Build Routines

Routines are really what your family member is building by mastering personal care tasks. “Getting ready for the day” involves many smaller tasks, like brushing her teeth, showering, getting dressed, and so much more. Each habit individually gets stacked onto other habits in order to build that routine. Finally, the routine itself helps your family member to be ready for her day, whether she’s staying home or going somewhere else.

Flowcharts and Pictures Can Help

Something else that helps are flowcharts and pictures. Habilitation experts may even help your family member to make her own flowcharts that help her to remember what steps come next. When she needs reminders about how to keep her routine flowing, those charts and pictures are right there to help. Your family member may find those flowcharts helpful long after she’s mastered the skills that she’s learning.

Residential habilitation assists with so many other skills that your family member needs to have in her toolkit in order to live as safely and independently as possible. As your family member masters more of those important skills, she’ll be able to learn increasingly complex skills.

If you are considering residential habilitation in Greenwood, IN, please call the caring staff at RSI Cares. Serving Greater Indianapolis Area. Call for Immediate Info & Assistance: 317-471-0750.

Etelka Froymovich