Four Ways to Facilitate Problem-solving Skills

Solving problems can sometimes be difficult for someone with developmental disabilities. Seeing the possibilities and following through to what might seem like the proper conclusion takes a lot of practice. Behavior support management through habilitation services can give your family member the practice that she needs with solving problems.

Adjust Expectations for Everyone Involved

It’s really easy to have expectations that are far and away outside of what reality is right now. This is true for you and it can also be true for your family member as she learns how to solve problems on her own. She may feel frustrated that she’s not able to be more effective at solving problems right after one or two examples. Which is a perfect time to let her know that no one gets this right the first or even the hundred and first time they try it. It takes practice.

Aim for Successful Encounters from the Start

One way for you to adjust expectations in solving problems is to present situations that are going to be more likely to have successful results for your family member. Success in early attempts helps to build confidence levels, and that plays into a willingness to keep trying more difficult situations. Success is different from making the situation too easy, too. There’s a delicate balance that builds results.

Brainstorm Solutions Together

If your family member is having a difficult time seeing the possible solutions, as many people with developmental disabilities can, then solving problems is infinitely more difficult. Building in a step that involves brainstorming possible solutions helps your family member to learn that there are answers, even if you have to hunt for them a little bit. Don’t stop at just one solution, either. Make sure that there are at least two in order to avoid getting stuck on just one possible answer.

Guide the Situation without Directing It

Once your family member has multiple solutions, it’s time to put those solutions to work solving the problem. Ask open-ended questions to help guide the process without pointing neon signs at the “right” answer. “What might happen if you do that?” is an example of one type of open-ended question that might be helpful. Ask a few more to help resolve the particular problem you’re helping her to solve.

Having help from experts in behavior support management gives you a way to practice this routine over and over again. Kids and young adults with developmental disabilities benefit from repetition and being able to use this same pattern in multiple situations with other people can help to cement the process a little more effectively.

If you are considering behavior support management in Speedway, IN, please call the caring staff at RSI Cares. Serving Greater Indianapolis Area. Call for Immediate Info & Assistance: 317-471-0750.

Etelka Froymovich