Four Issues for Caregivers of Someone with Developmental Disabilities

Taking care of and loving a family member with developmental disabilities may not be something you’ve ever questioned, but there are undoubtedly challenges that caregivers face. You can find solutions for many of these challenges you face, both now and in the future.

Caregiving Can Be Emotionally and Mentally Taxing for Caregivers

Being a caregiver is challenging, both on a mental and an emotional level. Depending on the types of developmental disabilities your family member faces, you may find that you’re spending a lot of time guessing about what she needs or wants. That stress can add up over time.

There Can Be Physical Challenges, Too

But there’s more. Your family member may have mobility issues that require assistance. If you’re helping your family member to move and bending and lifting often, you may find that your own physical health takes a bit of a beating. It helps to have a plan in place for making sure that you’re in the best physical condition you can be to face these challenges. If you’re not able to do that, it’s vital that you have help in place who can assist.

Caregivers and Family Members Can Become Isolated Easily

Caregivers and people with developmental disabilities can find themselves suddenly isolated and feeling lonely. Simple solutions can help with this, but they can feel impossible if you’re running short on time or energy. Reaching out to friends and to other family members can help, as can joining a support group. You may also want to consider putting solutions in place that help your family member to make friends and develop relationships, too.

The Future Can Sometimes Feel Really Scary

The big problem to caregiving for someone with developmental disabilities is that the future can be a scary thing indeed. Working with residential habilitation services, or RHS, can be a huge help with this fear of the future. RHS helps your family member to learn daily skills that will help her to meet certain goals that you and she find important for her. These might be things like helping her to learn how to get dressed on her own or how to cook simple meals for herself. Getting a handle on those skills now can help you to feel more comfortable about how the future might go for her.

Being there for your family member is the most important part and if you’re not taking care of yourself, you may find yourself facing burnout. Find solutions wherever you can and let those solutions go to work for you and your family member as much as possible.

If you are considering residential habilitation in Greenwood, IN, please call the caring staff at RSI Cares. Serving Greater Indianapolis Area. Call for Immediate Info & Assistance: 317-471-0750.

Etelka Froymovich