Home Care Makes Life Easier for a Family Member with Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular dystrophy, or MD, affects your family member’s muscles and is a progressive condition. Adults with MD can find that just making it through every day is incredibly difficult without some extra help.

Assessing Fall Risk and Preventing Falls

Muscular dystrophy weakens your family member’s muscles. It also causes problems with her joints and general range of motion. All of these complications work together to create a huge fall risk for her. Home care for muscular dystrophy provides a way for you and your family member to get a full picture of her fall risk and help her to prevent possible falls.

Help with Mobility Concerns

Beyond the risk of falling, your family member may have trouble with mobility in general. Home care providers can make transferring to a wheelchair, scooter, or bed so much easier for her. If your family member is able to use a cane, home care services can help her to use the cane properly to avoid injury.

Preparing Meals for Energy and Strength

A big problem for people with MD is that excess weight can put more strain on muscles and joints that are already weakened. Healthy meals that have plenty of protein to help build strength are usually recommended, but cooking can be problematic. Home care providers can take over the cooking for your family member and ensure she’s eating plenty of nutritious foods.

Assistance with Activities of Daily Living

Activities of daily living are those activities that you might not think much about because they’re just part of your daily routine. These are activities like getting dressed and using the bathroom. But for your family member, these activities can sap all of her energy and be incredibly difficult, to boot. With help, she’s able to retain her dignity and handle these tasks much more easily.

Help with Stretching and Exercising

Your family member’s doctor may recommend some specific exercises and stretches to help her to improve and maintain her strength and her range of motion. It can be a huge boost to have some help while doing these activities. Home care providers can ensure that your family member stays on target with her exercise goals, too.

Muscular dystrophy constantly challenges your family member and those challenges are likely to become more of an issue every year. That’s why home care for muscular dystrophy makes such a big difference. As life becomes more challenging, your family member has help that can adjust with her needs.

If you are considering home care for people with disabilities in Greenwood, IN, please call the caring staff at RSI Cares. Serving Greater Indianapolis Area. Call for Immediate Info & Assistance: 317-471-0750.

Etelka Froymovich